Thursday 13 August 2015

Tom Vek - We Have Sound

Released 4th April 2005, Go! Beat

What I thought then...
The only album on amongst these 10 that I never got round to buying a physical copy of, but I couldn’t tell you why that is. I remember Nothing But Green Lights being a frequent fixture on 120 Minutes, and the story was he made all this by himself in his garage.

What I think now...
Perhaps this was a spurious inclusion just to bump the numbers up to a nice round 10. However unlike a lot of acts in this list, I Ain’t Saying My Goodbyes and C-C (You Set The Fire In Me) have always accompanied me on my commuting playlist. Perhaps because I’ve always viewed these songs as mp3 files? Anyway, back to this actual album. I used to listen to these songs so much in the small hours, it feels weird to hear them all in daylight - they feel designed either for dancing or late night contemplation.

Standout Track
As mentioned above, I Ain’t Saying My Goodbyes still gets regular rotation and remains a dancefloor classic.

Live Memories
It was either V2005 or 06, one of those early on in the day sets that didn’t seem to match the act. I remember him throwing some thrashy guitar shapes for Goodbyes at the end of the set.

What Happened Next?
The follow up was a very long time coming, Leisure Seizure didn’t arrive until 2011, then came Luck in 2014.

Next Time: You’ll speak when you’re spoken to…

Previously: The New Fellas | Bang Bang Rock & Roll | You Could Have It So Much Better | Employment | The Futureheads | Capture/Release | A Certain Trigger | Introduction

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